On the Union of All
In this essay, Orthodox priest and peacemaker Georgy Chistyakov nostalgically recalls the period of warming Orthodox-Catholic relations in the 1960s and 1970s. The author also critiques contemporary anti-ecumenical fundamentalism, which is particularly evident in the reluctance of some Orthodox Christians to participate in joint prayers for Christian unity with Catholics and Protestants. Abundantly quoting Orthodox and Catholic theologians, Fr. Georgy Chistyakov highlights the spiritual value of Christian unity, which Jesus Christ calls His disciples to achieve.
Orientale Lumen: The light of the East
Orientale Lumen is an apostolic letter by Pope John Paul II that celebrates the rich spiritual heritage of the Eastern Churches and their vital role in the life of the universal Church. Emphasizing the importance of unity between East and West, the letter highlights the treasures of liturgy, theology, and spirituality found in the Eastern traditions. It calls for mutual respect, deeper understanding, and collaboration to strengthen the bonds of communion within the one Body of Christ.
The Florence and Brest Unions: Two Attempts to Unite Orthodox and Catholics
What similarities and differences exist between the two unions—the Florence and the Brest? How relevant are these two attempts to unite Orthodox and Catholics for Ukraine today? What role did the Kyiv Church play in the Florence and Brest Councils? These questions form the foundation of this brief historical essay.
The Pope of Rome as the Primate of the Orthodox Church
The question of papal primacy has long been a central point of discussion between Orthodox and Catholic Christians. While differences remain, there is an opportunity to approach this issue from a perspective rooted in humility, service, and love. Could the Pope of Rome’s unique pastoral mission be understood as a unifying force for the Church, rather than a source of division? This reflection explores historical insights and theological considerations, offering a vision for overcoming obstacles to unity and achieving the miracle of reconciliation within the Christian tradition.
Ut unum sint: On commitment to Ecumenism
Ut Unum Sint is an encyclical by Pope John Paul II dedicated to the Church’s commitment to Christian unity. It reaffirms the importance of ecumenical dialogue and cooperation among all Christians, emphasizing the prayer of Christ, “that they may all be one” (John 17:21). The encyclical invites all Christian communities to seek deeper understanding and collaboration, highlighting the shared mission of bearing witness to the Gospel and fostering reconciliation in a divided world.