Единая Церковь

Духовная Жизнь • Единство Церкви

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  • Metropolitan Sheptytsky: Between History and Objectivity

    Metropolitan Sheptytsky

    The figures of great historical leaders always spark discussions, especially when it comes to influential religious figures. Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky is one such personality whose legacy remains a subject of debate. His role in Ukrainian history, his relations with Jews during World War II, and his stance towards both Soviet and Nazi authorities continue to be examined and reassessed.

  • The Religious Significance of Judaism

    Significance of Judaism

    In the published work, Father Sergey Mikhailovich Solovyov (1885–1941), the grandson of the famous historian and nephew of the renowned philosopher, highlights the spiritual barrenness of Judaism that rejected the Messiah, while at the same time urging us to "feel a deep concern for the people of Israel and believe that 'all Israel will be saved.'"

  • What is Judeo-Christianity?

    Alexander Men

    In a lecture on Judeo-Christianity delivered to an audience of Jews, Father Alexander Men explains the Christian faith using terms that are familiar within the framework of Judaism.