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Big Bang

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today, we gather to discuss the Big Bang theory — one of the most remarkable scientific theories exploring the origins of our universe. This theory has sparked numerous debates and controversies in our world, but can it have any bearing on our faith?

I believe it can. Most people studying the Big Bang theory conclude that our universe began with a massive explosion more than 13 billion years ago. Since then, the universe has been expanding and increasing in size. But how does this connect to our faith?

Firstly, I believe that God created the universe. The Big Bang theory does not rule out the possibility of divine creation. On the contrary, it offers us a way to marvel at the magnitude and complexity of what God has made. We can reflect on how God initiated the Big Bang to create the universe we know and cherish.

Secondly, the Big Bang theory reminds us of how small we truly are compared to the universe. It reveals the vastness and infinite complexity of creation, humbling us in the presence of God's greatness. This perspective encourages us to approach our place in the universe with humility and to respect the majesty and infinite wisdom of the Creator.

Thirdly, the Big Bang theory can help us better understand the concept of time. According to this theory, time began at the moment of the Big Bang and continues to this day. This reminds us that time is a precious resource we must value and use wisely. We should strive to live life fully, helping others and serving God with all our hearts.

Finally, I believe the Big Bang theory can deepen our understanding of God. Our Lord is a God of infinite wisdom and greatness, who created a universe we can explore and study. Through this exploration, we gain insights into God's boundless majesty and His infinite love for us.

Georges LemaîtreIt is worth noting that the Big Bang theory was proposed in 1927 by a Catholic priest, Georges Lemaître. Despite being a clergyman, he was also a prominent physicist and cosmologist, a professor of astrophysics, and later of applied mathematics at the Catholic University of Louvain. His work played a vital role in developing cosmology and initiated scientific inquiry into the passage of time from the moment of the Big Bang. Thus, we can say that the Big Bang theory, like many other scientific theories, is another marvelous manifestation of the creativity and intellect God has given humanity to better understand the world He created.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, the Big Bang theory offers us valuable lessons and reminds us of the infinite greatness and wisdom of our God. May our scientific explorations always lead us back to the majesty of God and His incredible love for us. Amen.

Br. Ergatis Ikonikos
(Ecumenical Patriarchate)

Translated from Greek by "One Church"