Єдина Церква

Духовне Життя • Єдність Християн

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  • Holy Rus and the War in Ukraine

    Holy Rus

    People ask whether the Russo-Ukrainian war can be considered a step toward the unification of the triune Rus. Let’s delve into what Holy Rus is and what makes it holy.

  • Russian Orthodoxy: Ukrainian Roots and the Legacy of Kyiv

    Russian Orthodoxy

    The history of Christianity in Eastern Europe is inextricably linked to Kyiv—the cradle of the Orthodox tradition in these lands. It was from here that Christianity began to spread among the Eastern Slavs, and Kyiv remained the center of spiritual and theological life for a long time. However, over time, the influence of the Kyiv Metropolis on the northern territories weakened, and after Moscow seized church leadership in the 14th century and subordinated the Kyiv Metropolis in the 17th century, a gradual russification of Orthodox heritage began.

  • The Difference Between Ukrainian and Russian Orthodoxy

    Russian and Ukrainian Orthodoxy

    Orthodoxy plays a key role in shaping the cultural and spiritual identity of both Ukraine and Russia. While their historical roots trace back to the shared event of the Baptism of Rus in 988, the development of Orthodoxy in the two countries followed different paths. The Ukrainian Church, situated at the crossroads of East Slavic, Byzantine, and Western European cultures, absorbed unique features that distinguish it from the Moscow Church.